Administrative Handbook for Curriculum Supervision

I.             My Philosophy of Education

A.          Notes:  What I believe about education and how children learn, brain-based learning

II.           District Information

A.          Mission Statement

B.          Vision Statement

C.          Belief Statement

D.          District Goals  (Note:  changes yearly)

E.          Student Learning Goals

F.           Mission for Leadership

G.          Policy Manual

H.          Philosophy/Goals for Each Curricular Area/Program Descriptions

1.            Reading

2.            Language Arts

3.            Math

4.            Social Studies

5.            Science


I.             District Standards (Note:  how relates to state standards – tie into SAS)

J.           District Assessments


III.         Standards Aligned System (SAS)

A.          Clear Standards (Standards Based Teaching and Learning) – NOTE:  possibly tie in with District Standards

B.          Fair Assessments – (i.e. - DRA’s, PSSA’s, Keystone, etc.)

1.            Testing and grading


C.          Curriculum Framework

D.          Instruction

E.          Materials and Resources

F.           Interventions


IV.        Examples of Exemplary Teaching Practices

A.          Best Practices in Each Curricular Area (Note:  research on Internet and through text)

1.            Reading

2.            Language Arts

3.            Math

4.            Social Studies

5.            Science

V.          21st Century Skills (Note:  might incorporate with other sections?)


VI.        Understanding by Design


VII.        Students with Special Needs - (including ESL)


VIII.     Characteristics of Optimal Learning Environments (Note:  tell what it looks like – has timelines, globes, computer access, reference library, etc.)

A.          Walk Throughs


IX.        Indicators of Positive Classroom/School Culture (Note:  what does it tell you about what is valued there?)


X.          Technology Connections/Integration


XI.        Staff Development, Classroom Support, Teacher Evaluation/Accountability, Mentoring


XII.       Parent Communication/Reporting


XIII.     List of Literature in Each Curricular Area (Note:  organizations and their magazines)


XIV.    List of Coordinators from area districts for each subject area and their contact information


Notes to Dr. McGovern:


I know you wanted this manual to be useful for us.  I had some ideas of what else to include in this handbook.  I felt as I if I did not know what else to add.  I asked my three mentors for their advice.  (George Mehler, Bridget O’Connell and Anna Rabberman) and Richard Coe.  They gave me some great ideas, which I included.  I want this binder to be comprehensive.  Some areas will change and I am aware of that.  This is only a rough draft.


Thank you,

Lisa J

     Other possible topics:  Student issues:  graduation requirements, retention, homework